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Century 21 brings new challenges for information systems and it provides a new technology era. New Information Technology (IT) artefacts are embedded in more than one place. They provide innovative services in ways unthinkable in the last century. The constant need of faster and more accurate transactions and, in some cases, it is imperative having information anywhere and anytime driven the information system towards the use of innovative technologies and practice. In healthcare interoperability is the key of success for Pervasive Healthcare solutions.

HiPIS at ICTH 2019, intends to be a forum where researchers, practitioners and industry representatives have the opportunity to present and discuss ongoing work and latest research results of meaningful contributes and systems for healthcare intelligent systems exploring the pervasiveness and ubiquity. The workshop intends to cover several dimensions of the original research as regarding to theoretical, methodological and technological developments and also new applications. 

We invite authors to submit unpublished work to the Workshop on Healthcare Interoperability and Pervasive Intelligent Systems. Authors are invited to contribute with research papers, case studies and demonstrations that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and approaches in the multidisciplinary field of interoperability, and pervasiveness in healthcare. Scientifically, this workshop is focused in demonstrating how it is possible to take advantages from this new sort of information systems and which kind of solutions can be developed to support the decision making process anywhere and anytime.


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